The Dad Update

April 2010 I went to visit Dad in the hospital in Salmon Arm, B.C. He had a bad attack of gout and was unable to walk . After discussions with his doctors, the hospital liaison co-ordinator, his friend Irene, and community care workers, Dad had a decision to make - to stay in Salmon Arm in "assisted living" or come home with me to decide what to do next. He decided to come home with me.

I have created this blog mainly to keep my family updated, but now and then my friends may want to check in to see how life is "living with Mac!".

This blog will note how it is living with an 83 year old father. It will note the funny, the sad, and anything else in particular that may happen with "living with Mac"!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

February 13, 2011 - Update

Dad has been home for three days now.  He is doing good - just a few small issues. 

A nurse has come to change his dressing every morning.  The incision is still not completely healed - there is just a small opening at the bottom of the incision.  It should be healed by now, but because Dad was on blood thinners, it takes longer to heal. 

Dad may also have a bladder infection and has some bowel problems.  Brian will be taking Dad to the Doctor tomorrow morning.  He is to get his staples taken out and I imagine he will get some antibiotics for the bladder infection.

Here I am again thinking that never in my life did I think I would be discussing "peeing" and "bowel" issues with my Dad!!  Life never ceases to amaze me!!  (smile)  It is nice to have Dad back home though.  Going to the hospital every day is not fun and for some reason can be exhausting!

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