The Dad Update

April 2010 I went to visit Dad in the hospital in Salmon Arm, B.C. He had a bad attack of gout and was unable to walk . After discussions with his doctors, the hospital liaison co-ordinator, his friend Irene, and community care workers, Dad had a decision to make - to stay in Salmon Arm in "assisted living" or come home with me to decide what to do next. He decided to come home with me.

I have created this blog mainly to keep my family updated, but now and then my friends may want to check in to see how life is "living with Mac!".

This blog will note how it is living with an 83 year old father. It will note the funny, the sad, and anything else in particular that may happen with "living with Mac"!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

February 26, 2011 - Update

Just a quick note.  Dad is doing very well.  His incision is healed and he is getting around much better.  He is walking way better than before the operation.  He still uses his walker but I think in time he shouldn't have too!  His back, shoulder, and knee seem to be bothering him quite a bit lately though ... figures.

Dad seems to be a little "blue" these days.  I think it is because he is home quite a bit and not going to Rainbow twice a week.  Dad was out this past Wednesday (on Brian's BD).  Brian had to take Dad to see the surgeon and get a blood test - four and a half hours later, they were home!!  They even had an appointment!  Brian took Dad for lunch today too just to get him out. 

Starting Thursday, Dad will be going to the GAT unit twice a week.  I think that will make him much happier!  And they will help him get more mobile, exercise, etc.  My blog on Aug 16, 2010 describes what the GAT unit does.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

February 13, 2011 - Update

Dad has been home for three days now.  He is doing good - just a few small issues. 

A nurse has come to change his dressing every morning.  The incision is still not completely healed - there is just a small opening at the bottom of the incision.  It should be healed by now, but because Dad was on blood thinners, it takes longer to heal. 

Dad may also have a bladder infection and has some bowel problems.  Brian will be taking Dad to the Doctor tomorrow morning.  He is to get his staples taken out and I imagine he will get some antibiotics for the bladder infection.

Here I am again thinking that never in my life did I think I would be discussing "peeing" and "bowel" issues with my Dad!!  Life never ceases to amaze me!!  (smile)  It is nice to have Dad back home though.  Going to the hospital every day is not fun and for some reason can be exhausting!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hip Surgery - Day 11 - Dad Is Coming Home!! On his 83rd Birthday!

I just received a telephone call from the Hospital - Dad is ready to come home!  When we saw Dad yesterday, the swelling in his legs was better but he still hadn't been walking very much.  The nurses thought he would come home Friday but he is coming home today.

When Brian saw Dad this morning he made Dad walk around, which is what we have to do now, make him walk. 

Brian has gone to pick up Dad.  They will show Brian how to do some physio and how to help Dad walk up and down stairs.  They will also show him how to change Dad's dressing.

I am a little anxious about Dad coming home, not sure what it will be like, but I am sure it will be fine, right?!  (smile)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hip Surgery - Day 9

There have been some ups and downs over the last few days, but overall things are going well, at least that is what the surgeon says.  Dad is back to his old self in regards to seeing things.  He is in more pain because they have taken him off T3's but he is "Dad" again.

Dad's legs and feet were very swollen Sunday and Monday to the extent they were quite painful.  This is a result of a build up of water in his lower extremities.  This happen as a result of a combination of things such as a bad heart, not moving around much, and not keeping his legs up.  He was given a low dose of water pills which will make him pee more which in turn will reduce the water in his system but, it means he is back to using a catheter.  It will take time to reduce the swelling as they can't give him too much of the water pill medication as it could affect his kidneys.  They put him on the water pills last night and I think the swelling was a bit better tonight.

Dad has not had too much physiotherapy because his legs (including knees and feet) are very painful.  Once he can get around, and the swelling in his legs is reduced, he can come home.  Maybe he will make it home for his 83rd birthday!  That is two days away, Thursday, Feb. 10th.

If anyone is reading this, send me a comment, it is nice to know someone is reading all this typing I am doing.  (smile)  Here is the link to Dad's blog:

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hip Surgery - Day 7

I am happy to say, Dad seems better today.

Dad didn't eat much up until Friday because he couldn't swallow well, and what he did eat would come back up.  I am happy to say Dad was able to keep some food down yesterday.  He had oatmeal in the morning and supper last night and was able to keep it down.

In regard to Dad's confusion it could be better.  Having said that, this morning he was pretty good until just before I left and then he saw a gray dog by his bed.  Yesterday, he was watching kids go in and out of the hospital window and he saw three cats in the room.  The surgeon says it is not unusual for that to happen because of the medication he was on.  He was only on Tylenol 3's but now he is on extra-strength Tylenol, hopefully that will work.

In case you don't know, when older people are in the hospital they may get what is called "sundowning".  When the sun goes down, or even hours later after the sun has gone down, people can start getting agitated and start hallucinating.  It doesn't explain Dad seeing things during the day but does explain why he sees things at night.  Last night the bed rails on Dad's bed were up.  I guess he decided he needed to get out, and because he couldn't make the hand rails go down, somehow he took off the plastic part at the end of the bed and managed to climb out.  I have no idea how he did this with his sore hip  When the nurses found him he was talking about Nova Scotia and was going "somewhere".  Hopefully, tonight will be better.

Brian and I are thinking it is time for Dad to come home.  I think it will reduce the confusion Dad is experiencing.  I will let you know happens over the next few days.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Hip Surgery - Day 4

I was able to talk to Dad's surgeon (Dr. Nelson) tonight.  He said Dad is doing well.  He said Dad won't be able to come home until at least Monday - he was supposed to come home tomorrow.  He said Dad hasn't walked (or even moved) very much and until he does he can't come home.  Dad said it hurts to move and he said when he tries to move his leg it feels like a ton of cement. 

They removed the IV and the catheter from Dad today which is a good sign.  He did pee in a bottle so his plumbing is working which is good.

Dad did seem a bit confused tonight and was seeing writing on the wall.  The surgeon said that could be from some of the drugs they have been giving Dad.

Dad ate some dinner tonight but threw it up.  He had problems swallowing last night too.  I mentioned it to the surgeon and he said he will have a swallowing test done on Dad tomorrow.

All in all, I think Dad is doing good.  The surgeon thinks so and I believe him.  Unless something unusual happens tomorrow I will give the next update on Saturday.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hip Surgery - Day 3

Dad looks better today.  He was sitting up in his bed which is a good sign.  He should be moving and walking around to prevent blood clots forming but the nurses say maybe tomorrow.  His is on blood thinners so blood clots shouldn't form. 

Dad had to have another blood transfusion today - his hemoglobin and blood pressure were low.

Brian has been checking on Dad every morning and helps him put his hearing aids in.  After work Brian and I visit him for a few hours - Brian plays crib and I supervise (smile). 

Dad's chatty room mate left today!  Wow - he just had knee surgery Monday night!  It is much quieter!  I like it!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hip Surgery - Day 2

Well .... today is a better day!  Brian checked in on Dad this morning and he said Dad was good, a little pale, but good.  I saw Dad at lunch time but he was sleeping.  Brian and I both went to see him at 4:00 and I have to say Dad was much better than yesterday.  He wasn't as pale as yesterday and he was coherent, not flying high from the gravol.  He was only in pain when he moved.  Brian and Dad played two games of crib so that is a good sign.  I worked on a puzzle book and made tea. 

Oh ... I should mention Dad is in a private room, however, it is used as a semi-private room.  They managed to fit two beds in a small room.  They also have a bed in the public lounge area.  It is good they have made more room for patients, this means more people can have surgery.  Anyway, Dad has a room mate now and I must say he is much too talkative!!  The half hour I saw Dad at lunch time I learned just about everything about Dad's room mate, including if he didn't go pee soon the nurses would have to put his catheter back in!!  Way, way too much information!!
It is good that Dad is good ... much less stressful for me!  We will let you know what tomorrow brings.  Take care everyone.