The Dad Update

April 2010 I went to visit Dad in the hospital in Salmon Arm, B.C. He had a bad attack of gout and was unable to walk . After discussions with his doctors, the hospital liaison co-ordinator, his friend Irene, and community care workers, Dad had a decision to make - to stay in Salmon Arm in "assisted living" or come home with me to decide what to do next. He decided to come home with me.

I have created this blog mainly to keep my family updated, but now and then my friends may want to check in to see how life is "living with Mac!".

This blog will note how it is living with an 83 year old father. It will note the funny, the sad, and anything else in particular that may happen with "living with Mac"!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

October 20, 2010 - Stuart McLean

Hi everyone ....
I am sorry it has taken me so long for an update - hard to believe October 2nd was the last update!!  All is well here. 

Dad, Brian, and I went to see Stuart McLean last Wednesday (Oct. 20th) from CBC's Vinyl Cafe .  Stuart McLean is an awesome story teller.  He also had an awesome blues singer called Matt Andersen.  He was from New Brunswick and as it turned out, he is the brother of Allison Andersen, a great guy we used to work with.  It was a great time!  If you ever get a chance I suggest you listen to Stuart McLean one Sunday - he is on CBC radio on Sundays at noon.  Stuart McLean tells awesome stories about Morley and Dave and their two kids, but he also tells stories about Canadiana. 

One time when Dad and I were listening to the Vinyl Cafe, Suart McLean was talking about crossing Canada by rail.  It was a great story about the old days when people often hopped on the train travelling across this great country.  I will never forget watching Dad tear up.  I didn't ask, but I know he was thinking about days long ago (65+ years ago) when he was crossing this country by train.  He left home (Nova Scotia) in 1944 with $17, his guitar, and six of his friends.  They all rode the rails to Alberta.  Dad was 16 years old.  After the war ended, and after working on the railroad, Dad went back home to Nova Scotia.  In 1946 Dad and his brother Herb rode the rails again and came back west to Calgary.  You could tell by looking at Dad, he was reminiscing about days long ago.  It was a poignant moment. 

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