The Dad Update

April 2010 I went to visit Dad in the hospital in Salmon Arm, B.C. He had a bad attack of gout and was unable to walk . After discussions with his doctors, the hospital liaison co-ordinator, his friend Irene, and community care workers, Dad had a decision to make - to stay in Salmon Arm in "assisted living" or come home with me to decide what to do next. He decided to come home with me.

I have created this blog mainly to keep my family updated, but now and then my friends may want to check in to see how life is "living with Mac!".

This blog will note how it is living with an 83 year old father. It will note the funny, the sad, and anything else in particular that may happen with "living with Mac"!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The "Decisions"

Well .... Dad has a few decisions to make. 

The First Decision - Cataract Surgery
The first decision is to decide if he wants cataract surgery on his left eye.  An eye specialist here in Prince George advised Dad he only had 20% vision in his left eye due to cataracts.  You would assume this is an easy decision to make ... get the cataract surgery!  But, alas ... it is not that simple a deicision to make.  When Dad had cataract surgery on his right eye about 8-10 years ago he said it made his eye sight worse.  I advised Dad that technology has improved since then.  Now he has a decision to make.

The Second Decision - Hip Replacement Surgery
As some of you may know, it is very hard for Dad to get around.  He has very bad osteoporoporis and osteoarthritis in all his bones and joints.  In early 2009 Dad also fractured two vertabrae in his back.  Dad's hips are very bad and very painful and so, as a result, it is hard for Dad to get around.  Having said that when he first came to live with us he could only use his wheelchair (for long distances) and his walker (for short distances), now he is back to using a cane in the house.  This is as a result of going to physio and the Geriatric Day Hospital. 

Anyway, the Geriatric Specialist recommended Dad get him replacement surgery right away.  I was concerned about Dad having major surgery at his age (82).  Below are some questions I asked the Doctor and the responses:

- Can Dad's heart handle major surgery? - before the operation Dad will be assessed by a cardiologist.  Currently Dad's heart status is stable.

- Because Dad is on blood thinners, how will this affect the surgery? - you go off the warafin before surgery and you get shots of blood thinner for a few days then you restart the blood thinner.

- Isn't there a risk Dad could catch pneumonia while in the hospital? - sure, it is possible but not common.  The best protection from pneumonia is to get moving as soon as possible after surgery.

- What town/city will the operation take place?  - it will take place here but if you would rather go elsewhere such as Kelowna or Vancouver where the wait list is shorter we can look into referring you there.

- Will there be home support after the operation?  - yes.  You might need home support (i.e. assistance with dressing or bathing) for awhile after surgery.  You would also likely attend the Day Hospital again to help with rehab.

- What other risks are there? - other risks are infections in the wound or the artificial joint, stroke, heart attacks, blood clots, pneumonia, etc.

The Geriatric Specialist advised Dad that he will only get worse as time goes on, and there will be a point when the only way he will be able to get around will be in a wheelchair.  Also, if Dad waits too long to get the surgery there will be a point where it will be too late, where the surgery won't help him - they won't be able to fix the hip.

There is a one year wait list so Dad has some time to make a decision.  Having said that we meet with the surgeon on September 28th!

This is a decision Dad has to make - a scarey decision.  Maybe it is better he doesn't get the surgery but only Dad can decide if he wants to be in a wheelchair 24/7.

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