The Dad Update

April 2010 I went to visit Dad in the hospital in Salmon Arm, B.C. He had a bad attack of gout and was unable to walk . After discussions with his doctors, the hospital liaison co-ordinator, his friend Irene, and community care workers, Dad had a decision to make - to stay in Salmon Arm in "assisted living" or come home with me to decide what to do next. He decided to come home with me.

I have created this blog mainly to keep my family updated, but now and then my friends may want to check in to see how life is "living with Mac!".

This blog will note how it is living with an 83 year old father. It will note the funny, the sad, and anything else in particular that may happen with "living with Mac"!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Hip Surgery - Day 1

Well ... it is done .... Dad had a total hip replacement today! 

Brian had Dad at the hospital at 6:15 am this morning.  But because they had to check Dad's INR first he didn't get his surgery until well after 9:00 am.  We didn't get to see Dad until 4:00 pm.  We haven't seen the surgeon yet, but we assume the surgery went well. 

Dad was very pale when we first got there but he seemed fine - just a bit groggy.  An hour later Dad was sick so the nurse gave him some gravol - not a good idea!  Dad had a reaction and seemed quite agitated and was seeing things and trying to grab things out of the air.  It was like the reaction he had to adavan but not as severe.  Anyway, because it was gravol, Dad pretty much slept the whole time we were there (a few hours).  He was quite restless, pulling at tubes and such.  He should get better as the gravol wears off.  The nurses definitely won't be giving him any more gravol! 

All of Dad's vital signs were good (i.e. blood oxygen, blood pressure, temperature, etc.) however, his hemoglobin was low so they may do a blood transfusion tonight.  The nurse said this does happen from time to time and he will heal much faster with a blood transfusion.

Brian will check on Dad tomorrow morning and I will see him after 4:00 pm.  I will send another update tomorrow night. 

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Happy New Year!!

I know, I know, it has been a month since our last update!  Time goes by so fast!  We all hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a wonderful New Year!  A lot has happened since the last update.

We had a great Christmas and New Year.  Brian and I went to Las Vegas from Dec. 27th to Jan. 2nd.  It was good but it was also very cold.  It was +10 C the first few days and +5 C the last few days we were there.  It was very busy but we had fun and were able to see five shows.   The main reason we went was I wanted to see the Grand Canyon, but alas, it was not to be.  After four hours on a tour bus we had to turn around because of a blizzard.  Who would have thought?!  Maybe next time!

While we were gone, Dad stayed with Linda and Bob.  They are a couple that do respite care out of their home (for $75 per day).  Dad was going to stay at a seniors home, but after a tour we decided it definitely was not for him for a number of reasons.  After searching for a place for him to stay we found Linda and Bob.  Dad enjoyed his stay there.  He said they couldn't do enough for him.  Linda said they played at least 75 games of crib!  She likes to cook and I am sure Dad came back 15 lbs heavier!  I am glad they took good care of him. 

Dad got his two hearing aids around Dec. 23rd.  I am not sure if he likes them or not.  Some days, like today, he doesn't wear them.  He can hear with them, but he has trouble putting them in and taking them out.  I think over time it will get easier.  He has 90 days, from the date we purchased them, to return them.  I hope he decides to keep them.   If he decides he doesn't like them he will get his $3,000 back.

Well, the date is set.  Dad gets hip surgery on Jan. 31st.  I am feeling  much better about it.  Dad does not have to go under general anaesthetic.  They are going to give him an epidural and, as I understand it, a date rape drug so he doesn't remember the operation.  I am sure it will turn out fine.  He will stay in the hospital 4-5 days after the operation.  We are not sure what to expect once he gets back home, but I am sure we can handle whatever comes our way.  I had contacted Dad's health care worker to see if there is help available when he gets home.  He will still get his bath every week, but if we can get someone to stay with him a few hours each day I think that would be good for Dad. 

Again, I have to say, Brian has been so awesome!  He has spent so much time running Dad around, waiting in doctor offices and getting tests.  Dad has a large lump on his right shoulder blade and his left arm has been very sore for the last month.  Between tests for that and for his hip surgery, in the last week, Brian has taken Dad to his four hour pre-op appointment, to the Doctors twice, for x-rays twice, blood tests twice, an EEG, an ECG, and back and forth to Rainbow!  We are so lucky to have Brian! 

Dad's next update will be after the surgery.  I will let you all know how it goes.  Take care!